What to do if you can't set up a Power Saving Zone

Currently, the Power Saving Zone feature works with 2.4 GHz WiFi networks using the 802.11b standard, and does not recognize 5 GHz networks.


I can't detect my Wifi router

If the tracker doesn't detect any WiFi networks, or finds networks other than yours, it means your router's settings do not match the tracker's requirements. 

However, it is often possible to make some small changes to your router’s settings and resolve this issue (without having any impact on your WiFi connection):

  • Switch to 2.4 GHz network and the 802.11b standard: Consult your WiFi router manual for information.
  • Ensure your network is not hidden: The SSID must be visible for tracker detection.
  • Enable legacy mode in your router settings (if available). 
    • This is usually found at Settings > Wireless networks > WLAN Group > Edit > Legacy support.
    • You can find full instructions for setting up legacy mode here.
    • If you encounter difficulties configuring Legacy Mode (802.11b) on your router, please contact your internet provider for assistance with the setup.
    • Attempt the Power Saving Zone setup again after enabling legacy mode.


I'm encountering an "unstable connection" error message

If you receive an error message about an unstable connection during Power Saving Zone setup, it means the tracker's cell network signal is too weak. 

  • Try resetting your tracker by pressing the power button for 10 seconds until a red light appears for two seconds and a high-pitched tone is heard. 
  • Wait a minute or two before trying to set up the Power Saving Zone again.


Still need assistance? We're here to help

Simply message our Customer Happiness Team by clicking Contact Us below and provide them with the following information:

  1. The SSID and router model of your WiFi (you can typically find this on the sticker on the side or back of the router).
  2. If you create a hotspot from your cell phone, are you able to set up a Power Saving Zone using this hotspot?
  3. Is the tracker able to find other WiFi networks nearby?
  4. A screenshot of the error message you see in the app when trying to set up a Power Saving Zone.

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