To start receiving alerts when your pet leaves or enters a certain area, you can easily set up Virtual Fences in your account.
You can choose between:
- Safe Zones, which are spaces you are generally happy for your pet to be, and
- No-Go Zones, which signify more dangerous places, such as an area with wild animals.
Once you have set up your customizable Virtual Fence, you and anyone you have shared your tracker with will begin receiving notifications when your pet enters or leaves one of these areas.
You can create a maximum of five Virtual Fences per tracker. If you have more than one tracker and would like to have the same fences for each tracker, simply use the Copy Fence option for your other pets once you have set up a fence on one tracker.
In the Tractive GPS mobile app:
- On the Map tab, tap the + icon in the bottom right
- Tap Add Virtual Fence.
- Set the name, shape, and icon of your Virtual Fence and confirm if it should be a Safe Zone or No-Go Zone. Virtual Fences can be circular, rectangular, or in a customizable shape.
- Drag the green/red dot located on the perimeter of the Virtual Fence to make it bigger or smaller.
- Tap and hold the center of the Virtual Fence to move it to your desired location.
- Click Save
If you set up more than one Virtual Fence, we recommend that they do not overlap as this can decrease the accuracy of the Virtual Fence notifications. You can read more about this topic here: How can I fix false Virtual Fence notifications?
You can deactivate and reactivate a Virtual Fence by going to that Virtual Fence in the app and tapping on the slider next to Activate Virtual Fence. Any inactive Virtual Fences are marked in gray in the app.